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Toxic Workplace or Zombie Apocalypse?

It is not a toxic work culture you are experiencing. It is a zombie apocalypse!

The diagnosis….

Well one might ask “How do I know my workplace is experiencing a zombie apocalypse?”

My answer…. Give it the old sniff test. No I don’t mean for you to go around sniffing your colleagues, peers, or staff. What I mean is use your instincts and turn up your senses. Be still be very still like the animals in the wild. How does the environment feel? What do you hear? What don’t you here? How do you sense others are feeling in this environment? Others as in those who are not the boss like you. Behold! Something is not quite right.

Distinguishing the zombies from the living…

Zombies lurk among the living staff. They go about their zombie ways with complete disregard of getting hurt, dismembered, beheaded, or being pushed into a pit of fire. Some are subtle in their ways and some will be more obvious. Identifying them mostly depends on how invested you are to sorting this out.

What are zombie behaviors? Negativity (verbal and non-verbal), passivity to the point of apathy, and aggressive behaviors and language. When in doubt (or denial), just ask your customers. Your customers experience the collateral damage. Your customers express their needs into those cold dead apathetic eyes daily. They wonder “Does this person hear me? See me? Care?” Your customers are responded to with disrespectful remarks not unlike the hissing of a snake. They must endure this in order to purchase your product and services. Or do they???

No. They can go to the next guy that has been reaching out to have a chance to earn their business. Do not place your current and future business in the hands of the zombie. During your zombie apocalypse all your assets are at risk if you trust the zombie. As the zombie numbers grow your bottom-line shrinks.

The spread of the infection….

You say you are going to hire some new people that you can trust. Please remember that these fresh minds can be “turned”. Zombies exist in hoards waiting for fresh enthusiastic minds. First off, your new hire senses that they are surrounded by your zombies right away. Why? Because they are the prey. Since you are not likely a target you have to work hard to notice tag your zombies. The worst of it would be if you can’t tell because you too have become infected.

If you want to know where and when the spread takes place. Be on alert during any down time. Use this time to observe your staff. Frequent the break-room where much indoctrination may be taking place at lunches and break-times. The zombie will befriend your new hire to pull them in proximity for the bite. The new hire will believe he has one of two choices, join the heard or leave this environment to save themselves. And what do you have now? The continued increase of either employee attrition or a growing heard of zombies. Neither is ideal.

The cure….

The cure is not necessarily for your zombies but for your bottom line, brand integrity, and subsequently the viability of your business. Try to find a sign of life in your zombies. Speak to them one on one. Reminisce about those good old days prior to them becoming a zombie. When they were a high-level contributor, and an asset to your organization. See if they can remember when there was a conscientious productive person in there somewhere. Help them remember who they were before becoming a member of the walking dead (movie reference). You may see a glimmer in their eyes, a symbol of hope. They may tell you what made them turn or buy into the negative behaviors. You may be able to convert them through a renewed commitment and understanding going forward. But please be aware that this depends a lot on how long they have engaged these zombie habits and how socially connected they are to the zombie heard. Now if all efforts fail, you don’t have to do a Michonne on them and behead them. But you do need to wall them out.

Wall them out with goals and vision for your company. Wall them out with audits and evaluations that demonstrate lack of alignment with these goals and visions. A method sometimes referred to as progressive discipline. They will counter you by creating chaos in hopes of distracting you or making you want to give up.

But do not give up! Get your customers and any new hires to help. They can assist in letting you know what they experience. Customer feedback is one of the best sources to see how you are doing in gaining back control of your business. The reins belong with you.

Aftermath and the dawn of a new day….

Now that your zombies are gone make sure the culture is not conducive to creating any new zombies.

  • Keep your standards high. Zombies do not have the energy to maintain high standards.

  • Keep your staff engaged and rewarded for a job well done. Zombies frown on contributing to high morale in the workplace as they have a destructive nature. Incentives become entitlements to them. Notice the difference.

  • Allow your staff to feel a sense of ownership within your organization. You cannot do it by yourself. What they own they will protect. It’s very rewarding when your staff reiterates the vision you have for your business.

Remember the future of your organization or career is on the line. But you got this!!!

Written By

Fatima Sparks, Practice Administrator

Ivy League Pediatrics

Medical Practice Growth and Development

Strategy: People, Processes, and Branding.


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